Breastfeeding Support Services
I offer private lactation consultations in the comfort of your own home and cover South London, South West London and Surrey.
Each session will be tailored to you, based on your story and include a plan which best supports you and your baby.
I will take a full history and discuss any concerns that you have.
These may include (not an exhaustive list!):
- Difficulty with position and attachment
- Nipple pain/trauma
- Mastitis/blocked ducts
- Low milk supply/oversupply
- Low weight gain
- Jaundice
- Thrush
- Breast refusal
- Sleepy baby
- Hand expressing breast milk
- Breast pumps and how to use them
- Premature babies
- Tongue tie assessment
- Breastfeeding multiples
- Tandem nursing
- Breast refusal/nursing strikes
- Re lactation
- Introducing solids
- Weaning from the breast
- Returning to work
- Bottle feeding
Online or Telephone Breastfeeding Consultation
£50 / £30 Duration: 1hr / 30mins
Online or telephone breastfeeding consultations are available. To book a session please contact me on 07801365037 or email me at sueibclc@gmail.com
I shall continue to see families at home as long as I remain well.
See laleche.org.uk/breastfeeding-and-coronavirus for further information.
Some useful info from ILCA that you may find helpful ilca.org/covid-19
More information on covid-19 breastfeeding.support/coronavirus-and-breastfeeding
Antenatal Breastfeeding Support
£100 Duration: 90mins
Preparation can really help once your little one arrives and this is a great way to discuss any concerns that you may have about breastfeeding.
Postnatal Support Visit
£140 Duration: 2hrs
A full history of your pregnancy, you and your baby’s health, birth and breastfeeding story so far. I can carry out an oral assessment to help identify any oral restrictions that may be impacting on your breastfeeding or bottle feeding.
Included is a written feeding plan plus follow up via WhatsApp/email for 4 weeks.
Follow Up Visit
£100 Duration: 60 minutes
To discuss progress, how your feeding plan is working for you and make any changes needed.
Antenatal/Postnatal Package
£200 Duration: Two visits of 90 minutes
One visit before your baby is born to help prepare and discuss any concerns you may have and one after birth. Booked in advance.
Post Frenulotomy Support
£100 Duration: 60 minutes
Breastfeeding support post frenulotomy is crucial to help you and your baby achieve the best breastfeeding outcome for you both.
Return to Work Package
£100 Duration: 60 minutes
To help you prepare for returning to the workplace whilst continuing to breastfeed.
“I contacted Sue having found her number on the IBCLC website and she visited our family at home. Her calm, kind nature was exactly what we needed at the moment in our somewhat frazzled postnatal journey. Small adjustments that she suggested made a huge difference to our feeding. Simply having someone say “no, this shouldn’t be painful” and affirming what I had believed was so helpful.
I’m very grateful to Sue for her help and gentle kindness on our breastfeeding journey and happy to say she played no small role in helping ensure we breastfed exclusively until our little one was weaned at six months.”